48 pair Swarovski crystal posts are the eyes of our Bright Eyes earrings. Sterling silver. Assorted animals are you can specify. Free 24 face pine rack.
Swarovski crystal earrings are the eyes of our moose. Sterling silver. Educational message about moose on the back of giftcard. Assorted color paper and crystals.
Swarovski crystal earrings are the eyes of our bear. Educational message about bears in North America on back of giftcard. Assorted color cards and crystals. Sterling silver. Semaki exclusive
Swarovski crystal earrings are the eyes of our owl. Sterling silver. Educational message about owls on the back of giftcard. Assorted color paper and crystals.
Swarovski crystal earrings are the eyes of our wolves. Educational message about wolves on the back of giftcard. Assorted crystal colors and background. Sterling silver
Swarovski crystal earrings are the eyes of our raccoon. Sterling silver. Educational message about raccoons on the back of giftcard. Assorted color paper and crystals.
Swarovski crystal earrings are the eyes of our eagles. Educational message about eagles in North America on back of giftcard. Assorted crystal colors and cards. Semaki exclusive
Swarovski crystals earrings are the eyes of our horses. Sterling silver with educational message about horses on back of giftcard. Semaki & Bird exclusive
Swarovksi crystal earrings are the "eyes" of our seal. Sterling silver posts. Educational message about seals on back of giftcard. Assorted crystal colors and cards