Sterling silver and swarovski crystal rose earrings are the "birthstone" eyes of our January penguins. Educational message about geology and penguins on back. Sterling silver.
Sterling silver and swarovski crystal amethyst earrings are the "birthstone" eyes of our February kitty. Educational message about geology and cats on back. Semaki & Bird exclusive.
Sterling silver and swarovski crystal aquamarine earrings are the "birthstone" eyes of our March bear. Educational message about geology and bears on back. Semaki & Bird exclusive.
Sterling silver and swarovski crystal diamond earrings are the "birthstone" eyes of our April bunny. Educational information about geology and rabbits on back. Semaki & Bird exclusive.
Sterling silver and swarovski crystal emerald earrings are the "birthstone" eyes of our May mountain lion. Educational information about geology and big cats on back. Semaki & Bird exclusive.
Sterling silver and cultured pearl earrings are the "birthstone" eyes of our June raccoon. Educational information about geology and raccoon on the back. Semaki & Bird exclusive.
Sterling silver and turquoise semi-precious stone earrings are the "birthstone" eyes of our July seaturtle. Educational information about geology and seaturtles on back. Semaki & Bird exclusive.
Sterling silver and swarovski crystal peridot earrings are the "birthstone" eyes of our August seal. Educational information about geology and seals on the card back. Semaki & Bird exclusive.
Sterling silver and swarovski crystal sapphire earrings are the "birthstone" eyes of our September horse. Educational information about geology and horses on back. Semaki & Bird exclusive.
Sterling silver and swarovski crystal opal color earrings are the "birthstone" eyes of our October moose. Educational information about geology and moose on back. Semaki & Bird exclusive.